Chopin, Paderewski and Kilar in Changde
Another phenomenal concert by Grzegorz Niemczuk during the festival tour in China took place on November 27 at the Hunan University in Changde. The auditorium was filled to the last seat and more – musical enthusiasts who didn’t find a chair stood in the aisles to listen to our pianist.
– The atmosphere was heated. They were taken away by the polonaises of Chopin and Kilar. They greatly enjoyed Paderewski. All those attending the event were listening with care, absorbing the music – said Niemczuk.
After the concert, viewers went on stage for a commemorative photo and autograph. Our pianist heard from one of his fans that “he and his music lit the entire stage”. Pictures from the concert.
The day before e the concert, Grzegorz Niemczuk held a small masterclass in piano at the Hunan University. Pictures from the workshop.