
On China and the Festival in Radio Dla Ciebie

On Friday November 16 Wojtek Konikiewicz – musician and leader of the Circles of Art Orchestra and Wojciech Majewski – director of the Circles of Art Foundation and the Festival – were guests on the radio show “Markowy Program” on Radio Dla Ciebie, hosted by Marek Wiernik,.

The guests talked about the idea and program of this year’s Festival, which continues its aim of  promoting Polish culture in China – and, as it was mentioned during the show, Poland still has a lot to make up for in terms of distinguishability. An obvious theme was the specific nature of China and its fascinating, enormous cultural heritage.

In terms of the warm welcome the Circles of Art Jazzband received in China, the guests debated if Chinese audiences just love jazz or perhaps the enthusiastic reactions were a result of their great openness towards various types of music. A question all the more valid since jazz wasn’t really present in Chinese culture until recently.

During the program, two songs registered during the Circles of Art Orchestra concert in Yue Space in Beijing were played – “Rój” composed by Wojtek Konikiewicz and a Chinese traditional theme “Jasmin Flower”.

You can listen to the full show here.